Creating Ad-Hoc IPA file failed in Stencyl.
Solution was given by Captain Comic in this Threat:,42036.0/topicseen.html
* Create Back-up first !
* mkdir /tmp/SW
* cp sw.jar /tmp/SW/sw.jar
* Unpack it : cd /tmp/SW; jar xvf sw.jar
* Edit the file: vi res/ios/PackageApplication
* Search for beta-reports and uncomment them
# runCmd('/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy', '-c', 'Add :beta-reports-active bool', $entitlements_plist);
# runCmd('/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy', '-c', 'Set :beta-reports-active YES', $entitlements_plist);
* Package the jar again:
* rm sw.jar
* Don't create a new Manifest
* jar -Mcvf sw.jar .
* cp sw.jar $HOME/Downloads/Stencyl-full/.
Launch Stencyl
Reference to my bug-report in this threat:,44561.msg249997.html#msg249997
The same applies to the generation of the StencylPreloader.hx
It is a file in the sw.jar and when you want to modify it you have to follow the suggestion
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