zaterdag 5 maart 2016

Stencyl / Apple : Create a distribution IPA file

Previously we generated AdHoc IPA files using the Apple Developers Member Center pages.

Now we continue to make Distribution/Production pairs.

Go to the development site of Apple ( Login to the member center.

Go to the Provisioning Profiles and use the + icon to create one:

Select App Store


Double click the downloaded file so that XCode is launched and it loads the mobile provisioning.

THIS IS IMPORTANT !!!! You need to have XCode read it and store it!!

Next put the mobileprovisioning in Stencyl:

And select the production / distribution P12 you exported earlier.

Publish to IOS and select App Store instead of Ad Hoc.

Both processes produce an IPA file.
The easiest check is to use iTunes to install them on your device. The Ad-Hoc one will install when your Device ID is in the list of device IDs.
The distribution (App Store) publication will not run.


How to publish the IPA to Apple?

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